I will be discussing the world’s largest social networking platform and also the most targeted by hackers and cybercriminals. This site is known as Facebook and has some serious problems with its app systems.
All users have access to create or develop an application, giving the user a wide range of powers to access data stored on user profiles and over-site messaging systems, like fake news articles or changing security settings, can then be run on any Facebook user’s page.
I have thought about how this problem can be tackled and found an IT term known as a “walled garden”, this approach could just be suitable. Basically it is a closed or exclusive set of information services made available to users, in contrast to giving open access to applications and content. This is the way apple app store runs, all new apps need approval or grading before shared or uploaded. A survey revealed it was a effective way to safeguard users from maliciously designed apps.
A second approach could be to give users with security concerns the options to secure their own pages, allowing only approved applications. This approach may only safeguard the more wary and cautious user, who may be less likely to engage with the social engineering tricks anyway. Inevitably, a full, cross the board control system is the way forward. I am not suggesting it is full proof, I am sure the occasional slip up will happen.
My follow up post I will discuss Privacy Settings. Please feel free to contact us for more information or just a chat.